Missouri S&T

Missouri S&T Corporate Relations Newsletter: December 2016

Industry Day 2016: A great success!

Our first Industry Day, held on Oct. 13, 2016, was a huge success. Industry Day is an opportunity for companies to learn how they can work with S&T to create mutually beneficial partnerships. Missouri S&T is nationally recognized for its research and scholarship and has been at the forefront of many of the world’s greatest achievements, including the world’s first trans-Atlantic telephone call, Doppler radar and the Apollo 11 moon landing. The attending industries were able to learn about S&T's unique research areas, visit with faculty and students, hear from guest speakers who are leaders in their fields, and tour our research centers and labs.

Industry Day attendees learn more about Missouri S&T's research centers.

Some highlights from the day, include: 

  • 56 attendees from 37 companies
  • Over 100 total attendees
  • Surveys taken at the end of the day showed that the majority of attendees were very satisfied with the event — most valuable were tours, panel discussion, networking and research showcase
  • 12 companies requested more information on how our Corporate Relations Office can help them strengthen their campus relationship
  • 25 of 27 surveys received responded "likely to pursue research with Missouri S&T"

Dr. Ron O'Malley discusses the Kent D. Peaslee Steel Manufacturing Research Center

Selected participant feedback: 

  • Most valuable
  • Access to fine research facilities
  • How research is being put to practical use
  • See school's capability and desire to work with businesses
  • Learning about what Missouri S&T is doing to foster collaboration and that we can get involved
  • Seeing the campus and meeting professors and students with work they are performing
  • Seeing the value of research here today, and how it is now and in the future changing our environment
  • "I was also pleasantly surprised by the possibility of working with global/distance learning to help us communicate with clients, prospects and staff"

Dr. Ming Leu talks to Industry Day attendee about the Intelligent Systems Center

We are looking forward to hosting Industry Day 2017, and hope to see you there!

Center for Sustainability overview

The Missouri S&T Center for Sustainability was formally known as the office of sustainable energy and environmental engagement (OSE3). Not only is the new name simple, easy to communicate, and reflective of the primary mission of the center, but it also better represents the breadth of engagement – internally with campus constituents and externally with corporate and government agencies.

The S&T Center for Sustainability fosters strategic alliances to support sustainability, resilience, and clean energy research, education and outreach while leading Missouri S&T programs to advance campus sustainability.

Some of the current initiatives of the center are the following:

  • Demonstrating sustainability at S&T by developing, leading and promoting campus sustainability initiatives;
  • Leading outreach activities through coordination of conferences and workshops, developing campus and community outreach programs, promoting relevant research activities, and engaging current and future corporate, government and community partners in center activities;
  • Managing the Missouri S&T Solar Village and EcoVillage as research and outreach assets for the university, providing an ideal setting for corporate and government partnerships that will demonstrate, research, and test new energy and environmental technologies; and
  • Supporting Missouri S&T’s signature areas for research and teaching.

For more information about the Center for Sustainability, visit sustainability.mst.edu or contact Angie Rolufs, center director, at rolufsa@mst.edu or Stephane Menand, assistant director, at stephane.menand@mst.edu. Or visit us at 203 Centennial Hall, where we are part of the Corporate Relations team.

Corporate Relations welcomes new team members

We are excited to welcome four new members to the corporate relations team (filling existing vacancies and reassignments).

Linda FulpsLinda Fulps is our new manager of corporate relations. After spending time in industry, she joined the university's marketing and communications department, most recently as a senior communications coordinator in the public relations office. In that role, she worked closely with members of the campus community to publicize their research, accomplishments and events. She joined Missouri S&T's global and strategic partnerships division when it was created in 2014, where she assisted the vice chancellor in launching new initiatives to engage the university both locally and globally.

Linda and her family moved to Rolla in 2002 from the Kansas City area, where she had been a benefits administrator at a manufacturing plant. She earned a bachelor of science degree in business administration with a human resources emphasis from the University of Central Missouri in 1994 and holds a professional membership with the Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers (NACRO).

Dana WansingDana Wansing is the office manager of corporate relations. She is responsible for coordinating and managing corporate outreach, integrating and updating our internal database, and contributing to the team. She joins us after a 15-year career in state government, most of which was with the Missouri State Auditor’s office, where she worked closely with local governments as a local government senior policy analyst.

Dana earned a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Lincoln University in 2005 and a master’s in public affairs with an emphasis in public management from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 2011.

Stephan MenandStephane D. Menand has been the assistant director for the Center for Sustainability at Missouri S&T since July 2016. In his previous roles on campus, Stephane worked for the office of international and cultural affairs as the student program administrator for study abroad and developed and coordinated the annual Celebration of Nations event for the same office.

As the assistant director for the Center for Sustainability, Stephane oversees the management and expansion of the Solar Village and the EcoVillage, manages educational tours of the facilities, works with students residing in the solar homes, and collaborates with researchers interested in sustainable living. He also works with other initiatives on campus including the microgrid, the campus Ebus (electric bus), sustainable programming, and AASHE reporting. With his strong commitment to both students and sustainability, Stephane serves as the advisor to the EcoMiners, a student group that provides environmental services to the campus and larger Rolla community.

Originally from France, Stephane came to Missouri S&T as an international student and earned a bachelor of arts degree in economics from Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2008 and an MBA with an emphasis on sustainability from Missouri S&T in 2013.

Steve TupperSteve Tupper supports the Center for Sustainability and is a liaison with Fort Leonard Wood. The liaison function was formerly a part of Missouri S&T’s office of sponsored programs.

Steve joined S&T after serving 30 years in the U.S. Army. During his tenure in the Army, he served in troop leading assignments, construction design and supervision, engineer planning and combat engineering, and as a professional engineer, associate professor of electrical engineering, professor of military science, topographic engineer, and various staff positions through chief of staff.

Since 2003, Steve has expedited projects and collaborations between Missouri S&T and industry and military partners, particularly at Fort Leonard Wood. These include development of a technology park; setting up the non-profit Leonard Wood Institute; hosting conferences on military engineering, science and technology, unmanned systems, energy systems, counter IED (improvised explosive devices), economic development in defense industries, technology transfer, and geospatial intelligence engineering. He also conducts civilian education programs for soldiers and their families, instituted the Sustainable Ozarks Partnership, develops young faculty researchers and supports veteran students.

Steve is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, the U.S. Army Engineer School, the U.S. Army Command and Staff College and the U.S. Air Force Command and General Staff College. He holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and is a Ph.D. student in geological engineering at Missouri S&T. He is a Fellow of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), serves as president of the Missouri Advisory Board on Military Education and is a board member of the local chapters of SAME, the National Defense Industrial Association, and the Army Engineer Association.

Let us hear from you!

Have a question or comment? We'd love to hear from you.

John Eash
Linda Fulps
Angie Rolufs


Find more information on our Corporate Relations website.


Missouri University of Science and Technology
1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, MO 65409 | 573-341-4111 | 1-800-522-0938